id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14757 Bustion, Marifran; Eltinge, John; Harer, John On the Merits of Direct Observation of Periodical Usage: An Empirical Study 1992-11-01 14 .pdf application/pdf 7020 333 54 To reduce the effect of observer fatigue on recorded use counts, no stu- dent worker observed aisles for more than two hours at a time. Studies addressing concerns of use studies include Robert N. Broadus, The Measure- ment of Periodicals Use, Serials Review 11:57-61 (Summer 1985); Maurice B. Line and Alexander Sandison, Practical Interpretation of Citation and Library Use Studies, College & Research Libraries 36:393-96 (Sept. 1975); cache/crl-14757.pdf txt/crl-14757.txt