id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14728 Anderson, Renee N.; D'Amicantonio, John; DuBois, Henry Labor Unions or Professional Organizations: Which Have Our First Loyalty? 1992-07-01 11 .pdf application/pdf 4272 233 47 Professors (AAUP), Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and the AFL- CIO, CFA is the largest union for higher education faculty in the United States, representing more than 20,000 individu- als, more than 8,000 of them currently holding union membership. Other reasons stated by respondents for maintaining union membership include: • It is the only effective means of dial- ogue on working conditions with Uni- versity management. cache/crl-14728.pdf txt/crl-14728.txt