id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14641 Metz, Paul; Gherman, Paul M. Serials Pricing and the Role of the Electronic Journal 1991-07-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 8218 391 56 23 ยท If it is true that journal prices increas- ingly reflect value and not cost to pro- duce, it follows that the 20 percent of the journals Butler identifies as critical may gradually become the 20 percent that drive up the majority of subscription costs for libraries. Butler estimates that actual printing ac- counts for only 10 percent of costs, with the managerial and editing costs that persist in any format accounting for about 60 percent.26 To base our estimates of the effect of electronic publication on publisher costs July 1991 alone would be to ignore our earlier con- clusion that value, not cost, is the key factor in establishing journal prices. cache/crl-14641.pdf txt/crl-14641.txt