id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14565 Cady, Susan A. The Electronic Revolution in Libraries: Microfilm Deja Vu? 1990-07-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 8205 417 52 The history of microfilm provides some cautionary guidance as to the way in which the profession should approach the era of electronic documentation. , n the 1930s the vision for the use of microfilm technology in libraries and the scholarly com- munity in general was a com- plex one incorporating elements of preser- vation, space management, access to materials, and productivity. In addition to emphasizing the effi- ciency afforded by microfilm technology, librarians, having entered the new me- chanical age at last, exulted in the techni- cal details of microphotography. cache/crl-14565.pdf txt/crl-14565.txt