id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14524 Metz, Paul; Foltin, Bla A Social History of Madness; Or, Who's Buying this Round? Anticipating and Avoiding Gaps in Collection Development 1990-01-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 4138 197 45 Areas of applied re- search tend to draw on the more funda- mental understandings of a variety of dis- ciplines, as the Manhattan Project drew on physics, engineering, and other areas. Children's nonfiction is one such area: it would be perfectly plausible for the selector in chil- dren's literature to purchase only litera- ture in the narrow sense (PZ), while selec- January 1990 tors in other areas failed to acquire juvenile-level materials in history, biogra- phy, or science because they assumed that these areas were being covered. cache/crl-14524.pdf txt/crl-14524.txt