id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14506 Gorman, Michael Yesterday's Heresy - Today's Orthodoxy: An Essay on the Changing Face of Descriptive Cataloging 1989-11-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 5826 256 64 Seeing that the ambiguity of the Paris Prin- ciples had made it possible for national and international catalog4tg codes to remain far apart on a vital conceptual question, the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing en- couraged Eva Verona to do a study of cor- porate headings (published in 1975 as Cor- porate Headings: Their Use in Library Catalogues and National Bibliographies: A Comparative and Critical Study) which es- poused the Continental European idea that there is no such thing as a corporate author, though the limited use of corporate main entry headings in author catalogs may be justified. For the first time since Panizzi, a major English language catalog- ing code abandoned the idea of corporate authorship and limited the application of corporate main entry to five (later six, see AACR2R, 1988) narrowly defined catego- ries of works that (in the careful, if slightly otherworldly, term used in the code) cache/crl-14506.pdf txt/crl-14506.txt