id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14498 Chrzastowski, Tina; Cobb, David; Davis, Nancy; Kruger, Jean; Betsy, Nancy Library Collection Deterioration: A Study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Research Note) 1989-09-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 4145 228 63 Good Moderate Poor 29.4% 33.6% 37.0% 32.8% 40.8% 26.5% (113) (129) (142) (131) (163) (106) 32.0% 31.0% 37.0% 33.3% 40.3% 26 .5% (123) (119) (142) (133) (161) (106) 70.8% 24.5% 4.7% 70.8% 25.5% 3.8% (272) (94) (18) (283) (102) (15) 49 .7% 41 .9% 8.3% 56.3% 36.3% 7.5% (191) (161) (32) (225) (145) (30) 0 In order for valid statistical comparisons to be drawn, it is recommended that other institutions conduct condition surveys utilizing the methodology reported here. cache/crl-14498.pdf txt/crl-14498.txt