id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14483 Woodard, Beth S. The Effectiveness of an Information Desk Staffed by Graduate Students and Nonprofessionals 1989-07-01 13 .pdf application/pdf 8100 364 52 CONCLUSIONS One of the most important conclusions to be drawn from this study is that gradu- ate students and nonprofessionals staff- ing an information desk can be 70.7% ef- fective in answering certain kinds of reference questions with proper training. Laura M. Boyer and William C. Theimer, Jr., quote a Canadian library administrator as saying that 85% of reference questions can be answered by nonprofessional staff in The Use and Training of Nonprofessional Personnel at Reference Desks in Selected College and University Libraries,'' Col- lege & Research Libraries, 36:193 (May 1975); and Jeffry W. St. Clair and Rao Aluri, in Staffing the Reference Desk: Professionals or Nonprofessionals, Journal of Academic Librarianship 3:149-53 Ouly 1977), analyzed questions asked at a reference desk and found that 62.1% were directional or instructional, and an additional17. cache/crl-14483.pdf txt/crl-14483.txt