id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14447 McClure, Charles R.; Bishop, Ann The Status of Research in Library/Information Science: Guarded Optimism 1989-03-01 17 .pdf application/pdf 10010 473 51 Image and perceived importance of re- search can be improved by all the recom- mendations listed in this section, but spe- cific recommendations include: • encourage the directors of large aca- demic libraries and the deans of schools of LIS to examine the infrastructure cur- rently supporting LIS research and de- velop strategies for enhancing that in- frastructure • allocate a small percentage of the library budget specifically to support research projects within the library • increase the visibility of successful and 140 College & Research Libraries important LIS research, perhaps by or- chestrating a series of regional meetings or workshops that culminate in a na- tional conference • establish and fund ''centers of excel- lence'' for research in leading schools of LIS to bring together a critical mass of researchers to concentrate on a particu- lar area of research • establish a national commission of LIS researchers and practitioners to articu- late the importance, role, and impact of research in LIS (not to be confused with establishing a national agenda for re- search) • create peer-reviewed awards; honors, and other reward structures to recog- nize high-quality and important re- search in LIS • establish within libraries and other ap- propriate organizations an Office for Research and Development'' to focus available resources on specific research problems As yet, LIS has not moved much beyond Pierce Butler's assessment of the field as a practice-based vocation. Quality of Research The assessments of the overall quality of LIS research since 1980 were almost evenly distributed among poor, satis- factory, and good. cache/crl-14447.pdf txt/crl-14447.txt