id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14250 Kemp, Barbara E.; Nofsinger, Mary M.; Spitzer, Alice M. Building a Bridge: Articulation Programs for Bibliographic Instruction 1986-09-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 2387 117 47 Among these are (1) high school class vis- its to academic libraries; (2) academic li- brarians working directly with high school students to provide instruction; (3) pro- grams and privileges for special groups, such as gifted and advanced-placement students; ( 4) academic librarians working with school librarians at a local or state level; (5) provision of materials designed to introduce high school students to the academic library. College and Research Libraries Building a Bridge: Articulation Programs for Bibliographic Instruction Barbara E. Kemp, Mary M. Nofsinger, and Alice M. Spitzer Recent studies have called for more integration of educational experiences and closer coopera- tion between high schools and colleges. cache/crl-14250.pdf txt/crl-14250.txt