id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14215 Petchenik, Barbara Bartz The Elements of Graphing Data (Book Review) 1986-05-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1831 121 63 (ISBN: 92-9048-295-8) $35 .00 Yearbook oflnternational Commodity Statistics First issue: 1984 United Nations Publications United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Yearbook Annual Issued since 1968. Latest issue: 1981 E.84.1.1 (ISBN: 92-2-~00038-6) $75 .00 Everyone's United Nations Official t.extbook which contains a definitive history of the Organization from 1946 to date. cache/crl-14215.pdf txt/crl-14215.txt