id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14129 Fraser, David Memory Skills: Whose Concern? 1985-07-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 4434 241 59 22 When most of us are con- fronted by the task of studying and memo- rizing an entirely new piece of information-for instance an historical event, or a scientific formula, or the ele- ments of a literary plot-we apparently ei- ther search in prior memory for something similar with which to associate the new in- formation, or we concoct some kind of memory strategy, verbal or visual, clever or mundane, by which that unfamiliar new material can not only be initially proc- essed, but be permanently retained and readily recalled Could there, in fact, be certain right types of memory strategies that would be particularly effective for us when matched to particular media-one group of strate- gies, perhaps, for verbal media and an- other type for pictorial media? cache/crl-14129.pdf txt/crl-14129.txt