id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14114 Moffett, William A. Forbidden Books in American Public Libraries, 1876-1939 (Book Review) 1985-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1228 58 55 Light and Pillemer convincingly argue that well-done re- views not only can prevent such duplica- tion but, even more important, can help to shape improved research studies that gen- uinely advance knowledge . Libraries Unlimited, 1972) and Marjory Fiske's study of school and public librarians in California (Book Se- lection and Censorship, Berkeley: Univ. of California Pr., 19,99); but few if any would have satisfied Merton, and certainly none treating the pre-McCarthy era. cache/crl-14114.pdf txt/crl-14114.txt