id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14045 Mellon, Constance A. Process Not Product in Course-Integrated Instruction: A Generic Model of Library Research 1984-11-01 12 .pdf application/pdf 5112 266 56 As the generic model of library research developed and grew with input from li- brarians, composition teachers, and in- structors from other undergraduate disci- plines, it became clear that the traditional methods of assigning research papers and introducing library research were inade- quate. Since attitudes are pivotal to the development of competent research- ers, it was decided that the following ob- jectives should be stressed in presenting the library to students: an understanding of the intrinsic role of library research in undergraduate education; a sense of ben- efit to result from effective library use; the development of an attitude of library com- petence in the student; an appreciation of the reference librarian's professional role ยท and the complexity of academic libraries; an understanding of library search as chal- lenging rather than frustrating; and a re- definition of library success as compe- tence in search processes rather than as number of items retrieved. cache/crl-14045.pdf txt/crl-14045.txt