id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14000 English, Thomas G. Administrators' Views of Library Personnel Status 1984-05-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3973 264 50 Only three of forty-seven re- spondents (06A percent), all from state institutions with faculty librarians. were of the opinion that faculty status for IibraiT- Administrators' Views 191 ians was of considerable advantage to the institution. In attempting to list perceived advan- tages to the institution of granting librari- ans faculty status, administrators ap- peared to focus chiefly on psychological factors, with a tendency to indulge in con- jecture about the supposed uplifting ef- fects of faculty status on librarians' atti- tudes, conduct, and performance. cache/crl-14000.pdf txt/crl-14000.txt