id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13945 American Library Association, Abstracts; Other Publications of Interest 1983-09-01 10 .pdf application/pdf 4378 412 62 Results of shifting pat- terns of public library support in California and West Virginia are examined and three options for future funding of public libraries are pre- sented: continuation of the status quo, achieve- ment of a balanced intergovernmental funding system, or increased use of fees for service. Li- brary activities are highlighted in the following areas: (1) promoting awareness of the needs of the disabled; (2) providing access to buildings and programs for the disabled; (3) cooperating with a variety of agencies to produce work- shops, conferences, and seminars for and about the disabled; (4) training present and incoming personnel in working with the disabled; (5) in- creasing employment of disabled persons in li- braries; (6) acquiring more library resources for the disabled; and (7) expanding library services for the disabled. cache/crl-13945.pdf txt/crl-13945.txt