id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13895 Edelman, Hendrik Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing (Book Review) 1983-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1379 77 58 He moves from a general intro- duction to the field, through an admirably succinct definition of what rare books and special collections are, and why they are important, to the actual operation of rare book libraries, treating the special acquisi- tion activities required of a rare book li- brary, the processing of rare books, the care, restoration, and housing of rare books, the organization of special collec- tions for use, and the common methods that rare book libraries use to publicize their collections both to potential users and to potential benefactors. For librarians already in the field, Cave's book is a welcome review of major concerns and practices of rare book libraries. cache/crl-13895.pdf txt/crl-13895.txt