id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13871 American Library Association, Abstracts; Other Publications of Interest 1983-01-01 11 .pdf application/pdf 7302 693 63 JAMES CABECEIRAS Examines the broad range of information materials· currently available to libraries, describes each medi- um's characteristics, and discusses the selection and utilization of materials and equipment, as well as their integration into library information systems. Among the items included are (1) a fi~al r~port on a library user survey from the Umverstty of California at Riverside; (2) a user survey from the Elmer Holmes Bobst Library at New York University; (3) questionnaires on the adequacy of library service at Emory University; (4) li- brary use surveys from Colorado State Unive~­ sity, the University of Colorado, and ~he~~­ versity of New Mexico; (5) an avatlabthty analysis report from the University of Arizona; and (6) an undergraduate library availability study from the University of Tennessee, a user assistance tally from the University of Georgia, a faculty questionnaire on branch and division libraries from the University of Colorado, a search-services-user and availability-of- citations questionnaire from Boston University, and the executive summary of a Cornell Univer- sity user survey on the libraries' research- support performance. cache/crl-13871.pdf txt/crl-13871.txt