id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13425 Hamilton, Malcolm C. Sign Systems for Libraries: Solving the Wayfinding Problem (Book Review) 1979-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1042 54 52 The chapter topics indicate the scope and variety of the authors ' approaches: orienta- tion needs and the library setting; mazes , minds , and maps ; perceiving the visual message ; planning library signage systems; the role of the design consultant; sign mate- rials and methods ; the language of signs ; signs for the handicapped patron ; symbol signs for libraries ; evaluating signage sys- tems in libraries ; signs and the school media center; an approach to public library sign- age ; signs in special libraries; a signage sys- tem for a university library ; low-budget guidance ideas; wayfinding in research li- braries: a user's view; coordinating graphics and architecture; architectural techniques for wayfinding; designing open-stack areas for the user; effective library signage: a pic- torial study; and technical and psychological considerations for sign systems in libraries. As librarians become increasingly more aware of the need to train their pa- trons to use libraries more efficiently and ef- fectively, the need for attractive and care- fully planned directional signs and other de- vices to guide and inform the user becomes more and more apparent . cache/crl-13425.pdf txt/crl-13425.txt