id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13407 Zipkowitz, Fay Minicomputers in Libraries, 1979-80 (Book Review) 1979-09-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1504 91 59 Chapter 12 considers the library Operating within a Parent Institution; chapter 13 describes Fund Raising for University Libraries; and chapter 14, Three Case Studies, consists of fund-raising programs carried out by three different kinds of libraries. Frame 125 yields the answer H. G. Wells, under the provisions of rule 22.1, which states that a personal name should be one by which the author is com- monly known. LC has announced, however, that it will adopt the options on forenames and dates in rules 22.16A and 22.18 in cases where the necessary information is readily available (LC Information Bulletin, July 21, 1978, p.426). cache/crl-13407.pdf txt/crl-13407.txt