id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13292 Haas, Warren J. Managing Our Academic Libraries: Ways and Means 1979-03-01 11 .pdf application/pdf 7371 377 52 I would also include policies that deter- mine the physical condition of collections ; those that establish the patterns of staff composition; those that set the quality and scope of library service; and those that es- tablish the degree of dependence or inter- dependence of a library on other libraries or on externally provided services-in short , the policies that determine library capabilities, library costs, and library character. According to the report, an additional ten thousand professional librarians are needed in the three thousand college and university libraries; the stock of library materials should be increased by 158 million items over the present 612 million total , which works out to an average of fifty-three thousand additional items per academic li- brary. cache/crl-13292.pdf txt/crl-13292.txt