id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13143 Maag, Albert F. Coping with Cuts (Book Review) 1978-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1323 74 59 Through all the collective hand wringing comes one speaker (neither a librarian nor a lecturer but a representative of the National Union of Students) with the most cogent and thoughtful-though undeveloped- suggestions for doing more with less: shar- ing of resources among libraries; fuller utili- zation of existing library resources; im- proved course planning and lecturer-library coordination; a more collective approach in learning methodologies and student library use; a more sharply defined distinction be- tween research institutions and undergradu- ate teaching institutions together with cor- responding differences in the library re- sources of each. Data and information were gathered from faculty, student, and library sur- veys, interviews, and by task forces in the areas of management and structural processes, human resources, library resources and services, and technology and facilities. cache/crl-13143.pdf txt/crl-13143.txt