id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13102 Thomson, Sarah Katharine Criteria for Planning the College and University Learning Resources Center; College Learning Resources Programs: A Book of Readings (Book Review) 1978-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1188 72 50 These are based on an overall estimate of 10 percent of total student learning time during which the stu- dent is under the stimulus of learning re- sources (p.54) for television production services, photography production services, graphic services, programmed instruction, television presentation services, self- instructional units, projection, audio, and film rental services, instructional develop- ment service, and internal planning and administration. The tables give recommended full-time- equivalent staff and assignable square feet of space for four levels of enrollment and four levels of scope or range of activities offered within each type of service. cache/crl-13102.pdf txt/crl-13102.txt