id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-13018 Estes, David E. Alfred William Pollard: A Selection of His Essays (Book Review) 1977-07-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1941 108 55 What is known and practiced in bibliography today is heavily indebted to him, so these essays are certainly a fitting selection as the second title in The Great Bibliographers Series.-David E. Estes, As- sistant University Librarian, Special C ollec- tions, Robert W. W oodrutf Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. While it is neither possible nor practical to cover the many specific processes and finished goods which are benefited by the use of a silicone product, this book does attempt to highlight the broad scope of such processes and applications. cache/crl-13018.pdf txt/crl-13018.txt