id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12896 Vosper, Robert A Century Abroad 1976-11-01 17 .pdf application/pdf 9417 421 52 The agency relationship goes back at least to the early London career of the [ forceful and learned Henry Stevens, , who primarily served wealthy private collectors but who also had a close rela- tionship with American libraries. This appraisal was supported by Yale's An- drew Keogh, who spoke of the regret- table condition of our scholarly librar- ies with regard to both the primary and secondary sources of research.21 But an economic depression and other factors, including the lack of an effec- tive organizational structure, prevented any forceful attack on the book poverty problem until another war in the 1940s once again cut American libraries off from the European book market and li- braries and thereby reemphasized the gaps in American collections. cache/crl-12896.pdf txt/crl-12896.txt