id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12785 Kaplan, Louis The Literature of Participation: From Optimism to Realism 1975-11-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3996 286 55 A contrary view, not specifically related to libraries, is expressed by Strauss, who cites four possible dysfunctional aspects of decision making by groups: individuals whose opinions have been rej.ected by the group may be alienated; the ex- pectations aroused by group participa- tion lead to further demands that man- agement cannot always satisfy; the pro- cess of group decision making may prove frustrating to several in the group; though participation niay bring about group cohesiveness, cohesiveness might be turned against, as well as in favor of, management.24 Bundy sees relief from tension through the formation in academic li- braries of departments modeled on those found elsewhere in academic in- stitutions. believed that manage- ment should be dyadic; that is, manage- ment and its employees should share decision making .in approximately equal amounts. cache/crl-12785.pdf txt/crl-12785.txt