id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12746 Kemper, Robert E. Library Operations Research (Book Review) 1975-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1466 70 59 good master's research and Ameri- can library history continues to be a popu- lar topic ( p.4), and Now, I do not pre- sume to deny the sometime historian the right to study library history at his whim and fancy, nor do I hold any brief for those who argue that histmical ยท knowledge is a panacea for all our ills ( p.8-9) . Under the headil)g of methodology for re- search the discussion of Vleeschauwer' s philosophy and methodology is all too brief; Waples, Goldhor, Wynar, and others are mentioned, but the reader is not really told what they said or how they influenced the writing of library history. cache/crl-12746.pdf txt/crl-12746.txt