id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12716 Greene, Robert J. LENDS: An Approach to the Centralization/Decentralization Dilemma 1975-05-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3403 209 67 STUDY OF CIRCULATION STATISTICS Circulation statistics for periods be- fore and after the start of LENDS were analyzed to determine if the avail- ability of LENDS was related to an in- crease in library books circulated to fac- ulty. It can be seen that LENDS had an ef- fect on the three main ways in which faculty obtain library books: ( 1) tele- phone requests increased from 0 to 21.6 percent; ( 2) books obtained by going to the library decreased by 16.4 percent; and ( 3 ) books obtained by sending someone to the library decreased by 7.8 percent. cache/crl-12716.pdf txt/crl-12716.txt