id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12652 Danton, J. Periam International and Area Studies Librarianship. Case Studies (Book Review) 1974-09-01 1 .pdf application/pdf 631 33 56 In case four, Foreign Folklore, the principal ques- tions addressed to the student are whether folklore materials are essential in the teach- ing of Spanish and appropriate for a college library; what obligation the college librari- an has in aiding an instructor to obtain ma- terials she deems necessary for her teach- 372 I Recent Publications i'ng; who is responsible for setting acquisi- tions policy; whether folklore is a disci- pline; and abstracting and indexing services in the field of folklore ( p.34). Thus, the :first case, The Chinese Cataloger, is concerned solely with personnel policy questions which do not in the least depend upon the fact that the staff member involved happens to be competent in Chinese (p.16-17). cache/crl-12652.pdf txt/crl-12652.txt