id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12540 Flener, Jane G. Staff Participation in Management in Large University Libraries 1973-07-01 5 .pdf application/pdf 2647 140 54 The aims of the site visits were to de- termine ( 1 ) the climate in which par- ticipation developed, ( 2) what prepara- tion was given staff before moving into this kind of organization, ( 3) what areas in decision making seemed best suited to staff participation, ( 4) what role the professional staff association plays, and finally ( 5) what portion of the staff was interested in participation and, in general, the staff reaction to the value of staff participation in the deci- sion-making process. Plans for staff participation provide groups from various departments to work together. cache/crl-12540.pdf txt/crl-12540.txt