id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12531 Flanagan, Cathleen Bibliographic Control of Nonprint Media (Book Review) 1973-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1463 72 58 From the papers and discussion pro- dpced by this institute two conclusions are drawn: ( 1) non print media is not present- ly organized for its intelligent selection and utilization; and (2) professional bibliog- raphers in the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, the Edu- cational Film Library Association, the American Society for Information Science, a11d the American Library Association have failed to establish standards, while com- mercial companies, less constrained by tra- dition; are answering the cries of collectors and . If there was any hope that the institute would produce such a directive, this hope does not appear to have been met.-Cathleen Flanagan, Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois. cache/crl-12531.pdf txt/crl-12531.txt