id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12528 Terwilliger, Gloria Problems in Organizing Library Collections (Book Review) 1973-05-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 1428 67 58 The recommen- dations and selection information it con- tains have been distilled from earlier edi- tions, the personal experience of the au- thor, examination of lists of periodicals of various college libraries, faculty recommen- dations, and bibliographical literature per- taining to periodical publications. However, it now ap- pears, if the first volume can be considered typical of those to come, that our skepti- cism was unjustified; for Tebbel has writ- ten a clear, well organized, and detailed synthesis of American publishing history to the Civil War, and while the whole project still strikes us as audacious, we feel com- pelled to compliment both the author and publisher for the remarkable success they have achieved with this first volume. cache/crl-12528.pdf txt/crl-12528.txt