id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12348 American Library Association, Abstracts 1971-09-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3840 341 64 Probabilistic conclusions sug- gest certain educational activities be under- taken: ( 1) There is no justification to cre- ate a postmasters program to teach basic library techniques and library schools must incorporate skill development within the curriculum or on-the-job training will have to be continued; ( 2) two justifications for internship programs require establishment of programs either to teach students the op- erations of large library systems with an ex- pectation of employment, or to teach stu- dents the application of theoretical knowl- edge in a working environment aimed to- ward a speciality; ( 3) management and planning tasks for libraries cannot be ade- quately taught in a one-year postmasters educational program; and ( 4) the distinc- tive feature of medical librarianship is its environment, and the librarian must com- prehend how biomedical information is generated and used and should attend con- ferences and seminars to gain this knowl- edge. Effec- tive means of increasing library use in- clude: ( 1) A better understanding of the information-seeking habits and needs of users; ( 2) the librarians should spend more time outside the library interacting in stu- dent-faculty affairs; ( 3) the role of the li- brary should touch all facets of the academ- ic community; ( 4) the development of problem-oriented libraTy training that uses audiovisual media ; ( 5) the training of stu- dent reference advisers to interact with stu- dents; and ( 6) the orientation of the li- brary to the users thus increasing the prob- ability that the library dynamic processes (question-asking, information-seeking, com- munication, display, and serendipitous dis- covery) will be successful within the con- text of the learning process. cache/crl-12348.pdf txt/crl-12348.txt