id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12319 Massman, Virgil F.; Olson, David R. Book Selection: A National Plan for Small Academic Libraries 1971-07-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 5100 256 63 Broken down by category, it might run something like this: Selection: twenty comple- mentary subject specialists at an average of $15,000 per annum $300,000 Cataloging: one profession- al (should be on the same level as the subject special- ist and his salary could be averaged with that group) $ 15,000 Catalog card sets, including labor and machine costs: $.10 per set for 200 copies of 5,000 titles or a total of 1,000,000 sets $100,000 Processing including all la- bor: $.25 per book for spine labeling, circulation cards, book pockets, match- ing cards with books, etc. $250,000 Administration $ 35,000 Warehouse and equipment: $3,000,000 amortized over twenty years $150,000 TOTAL $850,000 Assuming the .average price of books to be $10.00 per title and an average dis- count of 10 percent per title when pur- chasing. In discussing the advantages and shortcomings of blanket order plans, comparatively little attention has been paid to the deficiencies of the current system of reviewing new books. cache/crl-12319.pdf txt/crl-12319.txt