id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12254 Doherty, Amy S. Black Studies: A Report for Librarians 1970-11-01 9 .pdf application/pdf 5012 235 63 College and Research Libraries AMY S. DOHERTY Black Studies: A Report for Librarians The purpose of this paper is to provide background information about black studies and to clarify attitudes, black and white, tou)ard black studies, in order to interject some r-eality into what can be an emo- tionally and intellectually confusing area for whites. INTRODUCTION BEcAUSE THE MAJORITY of librarians in America's college and university li- braries are white, and because the issue of black studies is emotionally as well as intellectually charged, it behooves us to make an honest effort to understand as well as we can the issues involved in providing services to this new area of the curriculum. cache/crl-12254.pdf txt/crl-12254.txt