id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12223 Dougherty, Richard M. The Manpower What? 1970-07-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 673 50 59 RicHARD M. DouGHERTY In FoTthcoming Issues- Richard De Gennaro, Harvard University Libraries, on the Widener Li- brary shelflist conversion and publication program Gilbert Fairholm, New York State Division of the Budget, on library man- power budgeting Allen Veaner, Stanford University Libraries, on major decision points in automation Howard Clayton, University of Oklahoma, on femininity and job satisfaction among male library students Amy Doherty, on Black Studies Henry Voos, Rutgers University, on the information explosion Bob Carmack and Trudi Loeber, University of Nebraska Libraries, on the library reserve system What are some of the plus and minuses? cache/crl-12223.pdf txt/crl-12223.txt