id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12200 Lewis, Alfred J. The Use of an Automatic Answering Service in Research Libraries 1970-03-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 789 38 62 The answering service can accept inquiries on such matters as reference questions, location of materi- als, library holdings, requests to deliver books (paging service), and such mis- cellaneous items as futur e hours of the library, information regarding personnel on the staff and faculty , why the flags are flying at half-mast, and other in- formation desk type questions. Research libraries perform a desirable service by making the collection and the study facilities available during such an extensive pe- riod, but there is also a way of extend- ing professional personnel services at a very low cost during odd hours. cache/crl-12200.pdf txt/crl-12200.txt