id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12156 Berner, Richard C.; Bettis, M. Gary Description of Manuscript Collections; A Single Network System 1969-08-31 12 .pdf application/pdf 6031 410 68 Narrative description is kept to a minimum, and is concentrated in the guide section of the IjG. THE SYSTEM OF description that is out- lined in this article is based on the fol- lowing elements: 1. that the record items comprising manuscript groups have serial char- acteristics, and that this feature should be the basis of both their ar- rangement and description; 2. that users of manuscript collections normally approach their subject by having previously associated it with names: personal, corporate, and geo- graphical; 3. that this name/ subject association on the part of the researcher is so spe- cific and special as to justify a min- imal effort at subject analysis on the part of the describer; 4. that comprehensive bibliographical control of the manuscript collection as a whole is preferable to a minute bibliographical control of single manuscript items, or of only a frac- tion of the manuscript groups that Mr. Berner is Archivist and Mrs. Bettis is Curator of Manuscripts at the University of Washington Libraries. In ad- dition, the existing order of any fresh 1 The principle of provenance is the basis of archival practice, and because manuscript groups, like archival record groups, are themselves composed of record items normally appearing in some order, they should be organized and described by archival techniques. cache/crl-12156.pdf txt/crl-12156.txt