id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12069 Novak, Victor The Librarian in Catholic Institutions 1968-08-31 8 .pdf application/pdf 5213 246 58 There are some other arrangements, when at times clerical staff, and even the president of the college, also attend library staff meetings, or nonprofessional personnel is invited when needed for in- formation. C T O R N O V A K The Librarian in Catholic Institutions This paper attempts to examine the place of librarians in Catholic institutions of higher learning by providing answers to questions about the ratio of professional to nonprofessional staff, the presence or ab- sence of staff associations, the involvement of professional staffs in library administration through staff meetings, and the librarians' status and salaries. cache/crl-12069.pdf txt/crl-12069.txt