id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11976 Tanis, Norman E.; Powers, Milton Profiles of Practice in the Public Junior College Library 1967-08-31 6 .pdf application/pdf 2445 189 73 Total library expenditures (ex- cluding capital outlay) Salaries Wages Books and other library materi- als Binding Other expenditures Hours per week library was open 22,500 2,427 250 287 2,668 3.0 3.0 $55,200 $34,819 $ 3,262 $14,453 . $ 813 $ 1,941 64 Total square feet assigned to library Stack areas . What is more, it is possible to portray this sup- portive data graphically so that a given library can see how it compares with certain benchmarks or how it compares with other libraries serving similar in- stitutions. cache/crl-11976.pdf txt/crl-11976.txt