id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11774 Muller, Robert H. Principles Governing the Employment of Nonprofessional Personnel in University Libraries 1965-04-30 2 .pdf application/pdf 1011 46 44 The borderline between what is nonprofessional and what is profes- sional among library duties has become more sharply defined in re~ent years due in part to the shortage of library school graduates and the need to oper- ate libraries as efficiently and econom- ically as possible. College and Research Libraries ROBERT H. MULLER Principles Governing the Employment of Nonprofessional Personnel in University Libraries The work of academic libraries may be divided into two classifications: (1) that requiring professional qualifications, and (2) that requiring lesser skills or competences. cache/crl-11774.pdf txt/crl-11774.txt