id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11722 Kaser, David History of American Schoolbooks (Book Review) 1964-08-31 2 .pdf application/pdf 1411 63 53 In their effort to define file items the authors adopt five premises: ( 1 ) the con- tents of a file should reflect its total utiliza- tion, that is, both the contents of a library and representations of the requesters, of the requests, etc.; ( 2) the contents of the file are homogeneous; (3) a quantitative model and measure for relevancy are possible; ( 4) there is no essential relationship between the method of representing an item and the organization of groups of items into a file; ( 5) organization is the grouping of items or records which are then handled as units and lose to that extent their individual identity. Con- veniently grouping schoolbooks under the various disciplines they represented-prim- ers, elocution manuals, copybooks, rhetorics, general and mental science texts, etc.-the author briefly discusses progress in the writ- ing of each from its beginning in this coun- try to the early twentieth century, relating interesting facts and anecdotes about au- thors, book use, schoolbook adoption, and giving even occasional personal commen- tary upon the appropriateness of a particular volume or style, or speculating upon the pro- spective future of the genre. cache/crl-11722.pdf txt/crl-11722.txt