id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11610 Richmond, Phyllis A. The Future of Generalized Systems of Classification 1963-08-31 7 .pdf application/pdf 4541 227 59 College and Research Libraries Th~ Future of Generalized Systems of Classification IT IS FASHIONABLE at present to dismiss the future development of generalized classification as if there could be no such thing-as if no synthesis were ever pos- , sible again because no one can see any unifying factor or factors in the prolifer- ation of subjects with which we have to deal. The only fault, a very human one present in every generation, is that impatient men grow hopeless or even • 1 George Gaylord Simpson, The Principles of Classification and a Classification of Mammals, Bulletin of the American Museum of Natt,ral tHis - tory, LXXXV (October 1945), 22-24 . . cache/crl-11610.pdf txt/crl-11610.txt