id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11605 Jordan, Robert T. Library Characteristics of Colleges Ranking High in Academic Excellence 1963-08-31 8 .pdf application/pdf 4688 279 61 Correlation between criteria listed be- 373 low and academic excellence of the insti- tution: High correlation Volumes in library Volumes in library for each undergrad- uate student Per student salary expenditure by the library Moderate correlation Age of the school Per student operating expenditure by the library Number of periodical subscriptions in the library Low correlation Volumes acquired per year by the li- brary Ratio of library expenditure to total expenditure Two specific conclusions from this study are that in high quality colleges with more than five hundred students and less than fifty graduate students a minimum of approximately fifty books per student and approximately fifty thousand books in the collection is re- quired. Perhaps quality libraries and quality schools are the fortunate result of a com- bination of a particular milieu of faculty and student expectations, interests, and values. cache/crl-11605.pdf txt/crl-11605.txt