id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11532 Josey, E. J. The Role of the College Library Staff In Instruction in the Use of the Library 1962-11-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 5341 313 73 4 Regarding question three, which is concerned with library instruction given as a unit in the freshman English course, 118 or 30 per cent indicated that one lecture is given to English classes by library staff; 103 or 26 per cent give a series of lectures by the library staff English classes and 176 or 44 per cent 4 Letter from Richard A. Farley, associate director of libraries, University of Nebraska, April 14, 1961. i s point of view is expressed by the associate director of the University of Nebraska libraries who warns, W e must overcome the general idea that library instruction is some- thing that can be tacked on a one-day orientation program. . . . cache/crl-11532.pdf txt/crl-11532.txt