id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11421 Ciolli, Antoinette The Subject Division Organization In a Liberal Arts College Library: A Commentary 1961-06-30 3 .pdf application/pdf 1812 90 56 T h e chief science librarian, in delineat- ing the pattern of student use from a year's sampling of the questions asked and recorded at the science desk, found that the number of requests for assistance which involved the use of general science or non-science resources was the third largest single item in the distribution by type of references used in answer. T h e Brooklyn College Li- brary staff, with the addition of two new professional positions, is still, after a year and a half, performing in an emergency atmosphere in an endeavor to cope with the greater surge of student demand. cache/crl-11421.pdf txt/crl-11421.txt