id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11129 Shaw, Charles B. Special Collections in the College Library 1957-11-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 4137 218 66 Stemming from the one root in England, but pursuing the divergent branches de- veloped in America, two small colleges (Haverford and Swarthmore) each under the outstandingly competent guidance of historian-librarians have amassed special collections including books, pam- phlets, journals, manuscripts, letters, archival records of meetings and associ- ations, microfilms, clippings, photo- graphs, genealogical records, and special indexes that together (or only eight miles apart) probably equal or perhaps excel any other Quaker collection in the world. Here is a selection of diverse Quaker entries, attractive through age, rarity, or utility: (1) with occasional cuts in the luxuriously flowing language of its seventeenth century title- page, the 1694 first edition of The ] our- nat or Historical Account of the Life, Travels, Sufferings, Christian Experi- ences and Labour of Love in the Work of the Ministry, of that Ancient, Emi- nent and Faithful Servant of jesus Christ, George Fox; (2) three holograph versions of John Woolman's 1774 jour- nal; (3) photographs of some 650 meet- ing houses; (4) the 1669 first edition of Penn's No Cross No Crown; (5) Jane Addams's personal correspondence deal- ing with her activities in peace move- ments, books from her personal library, and the gold medal given her with the Nobel peace award in 1931; (6) more than four hundred autograph letters of Lucretia Mott, antislavery and women's rights leader; (7) over a thousand record books (dating back to 1665) of Friends Meetings; (8) 210 ยท card index drawers of the Hinshaw genealogical analysis of Quaker meeting records; (9) more than four hundred letters of Elias Hicks; and (1 0) a collection of Whittier first edi- tions and manuscr,ipts. cache/crl-11129.pdf txt/crl-11129.txt