id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11091 Mearns, David C. Dress Rehearsal 1957-06-30 6 .pdf application/pdf 4172 217 75 Neither could we count on the same amount of initial interest and en- thusiasm, for though many women un- doubtedly give of their best whatever the prospect of matrimony, it would not be reasonable to expect that in the aggregate a group of women would have the same incentive as a group of men whose whole future depended on their efforts. An illustrated article in praise of the vile creation besmirched the pages of The Library World for November, 1908; in it, the unfeeling Miss Frost wrote : Woman's place in the work of the world has been much discussed, but few will deny that she is eminently suited to Pub- lic Library work. cache/crl-11091.pdf txt/crl-11091.txt