id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11083 Aschmann, Homer An Example of Censorship of A Scholarly Periodical 1957-04-30 4 .pdf application/pdf 2450 117 63 Other items censored were fourteen short reviews of books on geopolitics, military geography, those which ques- tioned the frontiers which placed Ger- man minorities in other countries, a category that might be identified as ir- redentist literature, and one review of a book on Spanish politics and the then ac- tive Spanish Civil War. If the title said something about geopolitics, or military geography, if the author was a well known member of Karl Haushofer's Geopolitical Insti- tute, or if the title said something about German minorities in Eastern Europe, the review was likely to be pasted over. cache/crl-11083.pdf txt/crl-11083.txt