id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11036 Watson, Eugene P. Let's All Recruit! 1956-11-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 993 38 37 Arranging summer training courses Granting leaves of absence to subprofessional and clerical staff members so that they may attend library school Providing graduate scholarships for promis- ing students Providing working-scholarships for under- graduates, and giving them the advantage of participating in various types of work Media of Publicity Bulletin boards, posters, billboards, ex- hibits, pamphlets, leaflets, newspaper col- umns dealing with books, magazine articles in professional and nonprofessional maga- zines, magazine article reprints, newspaper articles, articles in school papers, letters, speeches and informal talks, oral book re- views, radio programs and skits, radio spot announcements, films, film trailers, film strips, slides, charts, photographs, models, and cartoons. Sending newsletters to college students who are interested in librarianship as a career Establishing loan funds and encouraging the giving of scholarships Sponsoring a library week during which boys and girls are invited to visit college and public libraries and learn about the types of work that are done in them Establishing speakers' bureaus Maintaining booths with recruiting materials at various group meetings and conventions O n the Local and Individual Level Displaying enthusiasm for and satisfaction and belief in librarianship Taking part in community interests and ac- tivities; being alert and dynamic; and ren- dering community service Giving courteous, friendly, intelligent service in every library; giving the type of service people want Keeping libraries attractive and inviting Presenting librarianship—the philosophy of library service—to prospects in a worth- while and attractive light Showing prospects the abundant personal and social rewards of librarianship Convincing parents and children that librar- ians make a good social contribution Having dinners or teas for librarians, teach- ers, high school students, and other young people who are interested in librarianship (have fun, but give them information about the profession) cache/crl-11036.pdf txt/crl-11036.txt